Shout it with me; Free, Free Kurdistan! Don't let them end up like the Armenians.

Monday, 31 May 2010
Free Kurdistan Flotilla
O.K., so French anti-semitism week will be interrupted due to current events; sorry, but we'll work it in somehow. In response to the Turkish "moderately Islamic" government, I would like to call on the international community to organize a Free Kurdistan flotilla to carry needed medical and building supplies to the suppressed Kurds living in Turkey. The Kurds, in contrast to the Dole-astinians, are truly oppressed and deserve international recognition of their plight.
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How can I get on to the flotilla?
ReplyDeleteI'm waiting for Israel to recognize formally the Armenian genocide by the Turks
ReplyDeleteI think not only Israel, but the US should as well. I think this long overdue lack of recognition deserves an executive order.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant idea. I really mean it.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to win a war (including propaganda war) you must go on offensive, not just stay defensive. "Free Kurdistan" is a brilliant counter offensive on Turks!
However it is also very funny. Kurds are landlocked. What kind of flotilla can reach them?
But perhaps this can be done. Perhaps the Kurds from free Iraqi Kurdistan can deliver humanitarian goods through the border to the Kurds in Turkey.
@Ray. The Kurds are landlocked and it is not possible to sail to them. It's not really about humanitarian aid, though is it? It's all about making a political statement in much the same way this Gaza flotilla was. Turkey is playing politics and they should expect others to do so as well. Thanks for coming by. It would be nice if we could get a movement going.
ReplyDeleteThat said, I think the Kurds are in need of our support in anyway possible. I have Kurdish friends and the international non-recognition of their plight is a schande.
ReplyDeleteI understand that perhaps the IDf has a few hundred seats available, cheap, on a boat that has to leave Israel soon. Maybe this is the chance to Free Kurdistan?
ReplyDeleteAnd one of my friends has this opinion:
ReplyDeleteThe time has come to stop the pretense and to start calling a spade a spade. The Ankara regime is in control of Turkish-occupied Greek Anatolia. Greek Pontos must be freed. The lands of Homer must again fly the Greek flag. We will not even BEGIN to talk about Turkish crimes in Northern Cyprus.
The correct name for Istanbul is Constantinople, so let’s start using that name. Let’s start calling Turkey by its correct name – Occupied Greece. When will the Obama people start speaking out about construction activity in occupied Constantinople? It is time to end Turkish occupation, not only of Greece, but also of the homelands of the Kurds and the Armenians. Until those areas are liberated, the EU should dismiss the attempts by the Asiatic aggressors to gain admission as members of Europe. Let the EU tell them to go back to their Turkic homelands of origin.
Agreed 100%. Erdogan has just declared the flotilla "a massacre." Considering how much they persecute any acknowledgement of their actual Armenian genocide, it makes me wonder if they have a word for "chutzpah" in their vocabulary.