Sunday 27 June 2010

But there is no one hiring on my street!

In what is billed as "controversial plans", the British government is going to attempt to shift the work shy and professionally unemployed to areas of the country where, *gasp*, they might have a chance to trade in their days of sofa surfing for a shiny new job. The plan is to

"encourage jobless people living in council houses to move out of unemployment blackspots to homes in other areas, perhaps hundreds of miles away."

But They've been unsuccessfully looking for work everywhere: their bathroom, their refrigerator, their breakfast nook, the bar down the street, the bar up the street. Literally, everywhere! Since jobs are not plentiful in these locations, why should they be forced to leave their comfort zone to join the workforce? Is it not every man's right to have money delivered to his home in regular installments for work done and work not done? What is this world coming to?

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